Thursday, December 9, 2010
no activity report (@ blog)
Monday, November 1, 2010
I am looking for a traineeship/ job opportunity
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
guerilla or ambush marketing on social networks... your input
"An unconventional way of performing marketing activities on a very low budget Guerrilla marketing is quite different from traditional marketing efforts. Guerrilla marketing means going after the conventional goals of profits, sales and growth but doing it by using unconventional means, such as expanding offerings during gloomy economic days to inspire customers to increase the size of each purchase."(1)
Friday, September 10, 2010
Work on the moon!

(2) "Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of Statesin the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, includingthe Moon and Other Celestial Bodies". 1/1/08. Retrieved 2/7/10.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Orphan Works limitations - a one days perspective... with an indefinate effect
Sunday, August 1, 2010
How google works !
Traditional websites and businesses now have the chance to see how their digital presence can be better. Since the world is being googlified / googlificated. One should not ignore this post.
Infographic by the Pay Per Click Blog (by PPC blog)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Orphan works. In search of an international workable solution
Available per 24 June 2010
D.J.R. Sterenborg, Orphan Works. In Search of an international workable model, Ossendrecht: privately published 2010 (ISBN: 978-90-8891-185-9)
Order/E-mail me: info(a)
Promotion-pdf: table of contents/ chapter 1 / cover > click here
Authors personal note is possible
This is the enhanced version of the earlier published Dutch version; re-edtitted and updated according to the current status-quo and commented and edited by others.
Price (excl. international shipping): €20,-
Reduced (excl. shipping) for students or participants at conferences (where I participate): €15,-
The use of a work subject to copyright protection requires permission of the author(s) and/or right holder(s), but what if necessary information is not available? E.g. when an author/right holder is unknown? Many practical issues are about how to contact these: how can correct personal data be found from an author with a common name? And what if the author can be found, but the right holder can not be? Works that are subject to copyright protection but of which the author can not be traces nor contacted, is the issue of the so-called ‘orphan works’.
In the time of a globalized world wide (web) market, cross border situation often occur. From article 5 of the Bern Convention copyrights are protected according to the national laws of the Member of that Convention.
This publication analyses management measures and contractual models as well as legal solutions for this emerging and world wide situation. The test framework takes into account the exercise of moral and economic rights, the sufficiency of legal certainty, flexibility and the costs for the possible users, the number of participants that are involved with the rights clearance process, and if legal changes and recognition are needed and feasible. Finally the developments in how is dealt with the situation are presented.
Artwork: © 2010, DJR Sterenborg
Monday, April 5, 2010
Music | Copyright Law | Business Models in Lithuania
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Collecting societies, let's take a closer look

Sunday, February 28, 2010
Orphan Works. De zoektocht naar een internationaal werkbaar model.
Mijn boek te koop¤
¤ UPDATE 26 maart 2010: ¤ eerste druk is uitverkocht/weggegeven via het pay-what-you-want-principe, tweede druk wordt overwogen
(ISBN-registration: 978-90-8891-154-5)
Price: €15 incl. VAT/BTW
E-mail me: info(a)
Promo-pdf: inhoudsopgave / hoofdstuk 1 / omslag
Het gebruik van een auteursrechtelijk beschermd werk vereist voorafgaande toestemming van de auteur(s) en/of rechthebbende(n), maar wat als noodzakelijke informatie niet beschikbaar is? Bijvoorbeeld als auteur/rechthebbende onbekend is? Vele praktische problemen gaan over de contacteerbaarheid van deze: hoe worden de juiste naw-gegevens gevonden van een auteur met een veelvoorkomende naam? En wat als de auteur gevonden kan worden, maar de rechthebbende niet? Auteursrechtelijk beschermde werken waarvan de auteur niet op de sporen valt en/of niet te contacteren is, is het probleem van de zogenaamde ‘orphan works’.
In een geglobaliseerde (internet)markt gaat dit vaak gepaard met grensoverschrijdende aspecten. Het auteursrecht beschermd echter - zo vloeit voort uit artikel 5 van de Berner Conventie - conform het nationaal recht van de aangesloten landen.
Dit boek analyseert zowel management en contractuele modellen als wettelijke oplossingen voor deze wereldomvattende situatie. Het toetsingskader hiervoor houdt rekening met uitoefening van de morele en economische rechten, de rechtszekerheid, flexibiliteit en de kosten voor de mogelijke gebruikers, hoeveelheid actoren die betrokken zijn bij een rights clearance proces, en of wetgevende veranderingen en erkenning noodzakelijk en haalbaar zijn. Tot slot wordt een ontwikkeling geschetst hoe met dit probleem wordt omgegaan.
. . . English version is being drafted . . .
be patient, pre-order now at the aforementioned mail address...
Working title: "Orphan Works. In search of an international workable solution"
Saturday, January 16, 2010
SarcMark - a ©opyright protected, registered TradeMark and Patent pending punctuation mark
- the sign is new, since it has not been used for this purpose AND
- inventive, probably a skilled person would not have come up with this solution to a social-cultural problem of 'not understanding sarcasm' AND
- useful (that one is subjective and questionable), one could say it has a clear purpose, but if anyone would use it is worth a second thought, OR
- industrially applicable, one could say that the sign is to be used in digital communication.
You acknowledge that the SarcMark Software is made available to You for Your personal use only and that You may download the software onto only one computer hard drive. Commercial use of the SarcMark Software must be approved in writing by Sarcasm, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiary New Write, LLC. You agree not to (and agree not to assist or facilitate any third party to) copy, reproduce, transmit, distribute, publish, commercially exploit or create derivative works of the SarcMark Software(5).